
數(shù)量(件) 面議
  • 最小起訂: 1件
  • 發(fā)貨地址: 江蘇 蘇州市
  • 發(fā)布日期:2018-08-07
  • 訪問量:232


實名認證 企業(yè)認證
  • 聯(lián)系人:陶靜
  • 手機:13913142465
  • 電話:0512-86881628
  • 營業(yè)執(zhí)照:已審核 營業(yè)執(zhí)照
  • 經(jīng)營模式: 商業(yè)服務-私營合伙企業(yè)
  • 所在地區(qū):江蘇 青島市
  • 家家通積分:3295分


所在地廣州 浙江 江蘇


1 Scope

1.1 These requirements cover a program applicable to parts that have been molded or fabricated from polymeric material and describe the material-identity control system intended to provide traceability of the material used for the polymeric parts through the handling, molding or fabrication, and shipping operations. Guidelines are also provided for acceptable blending or simple compounding operations that may affect risk of fire, electrical shock, or injury to persons.

1.2 This program is intended to provide quick verification of material identification by means of an identification marking on the part, or on the carton in which the part is shipped, or in a specification sheet placed within the shipping carton with the part. This program is intended to eliminate the uncertainty of the polymeric material identity in the end-use product and to reduce the possibility of field problems caused by the use of incorrect compounds.

1.3 The polymeric-material identity program covered by this standard is intended to provide traceability for molded finished parts (that is, enclosures, internal equipment parts, and the like) that are to be factory-installed components of other equipment where the acceptability of the combination is to be determined.

1.4 This program is not intended for manufacturing operations that add colorants or other additives to plastic materials using hot-compounding techniques that subject the material to an additional heat history and ship pellets as finished parts. This program is not intended to provide traceability for polymeric materials that are intended for field installation.

1.5 Requirements and bs for the buation of bllized or painted parts are contained in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, and the requirements for Polymeric Materials – Short Term Property Evaluations, UL 746A. Reference should be made to the applicable individual product standard for perbance requirements covering the part or assembly.




電子線UL758認證,燈具UL認證,電線電纜UL認證,QMMY2 UL746D注塑件認證,UL969 PGDQ2標簽認證,連接器UL認證,燈飾CCC認證,線路板組裝VZQC2認證,UL969 PGAA標簽認證,UL588圣誕產(chǎn)品認證,軟線UL62認證代理,PCBA線路板組裝ZPVI2認證,電容UL認證,開關UL認證,網(wǎng)絡線UL444認證,鋰電池、鎳錳電池UL認證,水晶頭UL1863認證,導電泡棉UL認證,光伏電纜UL認證,UL817插頭認證,ECBT2 UL1997連接器認證,熱縮套管UL認證,功率線UL13認證,UL507直流交流風扇認證,UL最新RSCS環(huán)保認證,阻燃套管UL認證,火災報警線UL1424認證,UL2089車載充電器認證,UL1059端子臺認證,塑膠電鍍處理UL認證,光纖UL1651認證,UL355卷線器認證,UL486接線端子認證,UL486接線端子認證 塑膠料QMFZ2認證,UL764線束認證,UL310快接端子認證,UL1446絕緣系統(tǒng)認證,開關VDE認證,各國電線電纜認證,各國插頭認證
詳詢Sunny陶13913142465 QQ1822971259


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